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The Fox without a Tail

The Fox without a Tail


A fox once fell into a trap, and after a struggle managed to get free, but with the loss of his brush. He was then so much ashamed of his appearence that he thought life was not worth living unless he could persuade the other foxes to part with their tails also, and thus divert attention from his own loss. So he called a meeting of all the foxes, and advised them to cut off their tails: “ They’re ugly things anyhow. he said “and besides they’re heavy, and it’s tiresome to be always carrying them about with you.” But one of the other foxes said “My friend, if you hadn’t lost your own tail, you wouldn’t be so keen on getting us to cut off ours.”

                                                                                                               -Aesop's Fables-


キツネがある日、罠にかかってしまいました。キツネはなんとか、抜け出すことができましたが、尻尾をなくしてしまいました。彼は、みじめな見た目を恥じ、生きる気力を失いました。そこで、みんなを説得して尻尾を自分と同じように尻尾を取り、自分だけが目立たないようにするしかない。と考えました。彼はすべてのキツネを集めて集会をひらき、みんなに尻尾を切り落とすように言いました。”尻尾は、醜いし重いし、どこにでも連れて歩かなければいけないやっかいものだ。” しかし、一匹のキツネが言いました。”キミは、自分が尻尾をなくしていなかったら、僕たちに切り落とすようには言わなかっただろう。”


When you lost something important, and if the other still have it, you would want them to lose it as well. But It doesn't help your loss. You can wish they won't feel the same pain.


Did you have a good day? I hope so.... If you feel you had an awful day, tomorrow will be a good day.

Good night, Sweet dreams.....